Sleep Coaching Program
Join Megan as she hosts a 6-Week Sleep Coaching Program.
Starts this Friday, 1/21/2022. This program will change how you think about sleep and to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep.
Who should join this program:
Anyone who wants to improve the quality or quantity of their sleep.
Anyone who wants to improve their mental, emotional & physical health.
Anyone who wants to improve their health & fitness goals.
What is included:
A zoom kick-off call. This Friday at 4pm CST. It will be recorded if you are unable to attend.
I may host a second or third zoom session if needed.
Weekly lessons and assignments via the Paramount app to help you customize a sleep strategy that will work for you.
Access to a private group on the Paramount app which will have additional resources and a discussion board.
An action plan to follow at the end of the program.
When: Friday, 1/21 - Friday 3/4