Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to commit to a year long contract or membership?
Nope. We just made it through a global pandemic. We aren’t going to lock you into a long-term contract. You can purchase a one-month gym membership, a single semi-private session, a punch card or choose to do the auto-renew. The auto-renew can be cancelled 24-hours before the renewal date. You can change month-to month, or choose to skip a month and come back the following month. It’s all good!
What is the workout programming like?
It’s pretty cool. You get fun programming from Alex and Megan on our app that includes a kickass workout complete with sets, reps, description of the exercise and videos. You can also message us in the app with questions and we’ll get back to you. This also makes it easier to meet new friends at the gym as you’re completing the same workout. The workouts are designed to be done solo or with a buddy or two.
What apps will I need?
Paramount App: This is the super cool app that has your gym workouts. You can also reserve semi-private sessions and purchase packages here.
Paramount URL Paramount App on Android Paramount App on iPhone
The Kisi App: This app will provide you physical access to the gym. You’ll get an email to sign-up and download the app after you purchase a package. Bluetooth must be enabled.