Water | Benefits of Being Hydrated

The majority of our body is made up of water. 60% in fact. Staying hydrated is vital to kicking ass as a human as a result.

How to crush your hydration game.

  • Be 1% better compared to yesterday. Examples below:

    • Pour a glass of water before you go to bed so you can drink it when you wake up.

    • Drink a few sips of water before a workout.

    • Carry a water bottle with you on walks.

    • Chug a few sips of water before an afternoon caffeine drink.

  • Improve the quality of your hydration

    • Replace a glass of soda or juice for water or sparkling water.

    • Eat fruits and vegetables like cucumbers, watermelons, tomatoes, etc.

    • Drink out of a glass or stainless steel water bottle.

  • Increase the quantity of your water consumption

    • Figure out how much water you need each day. You could start with half your body weight in ounces (200 lbs = 100 ounces).

    • Drink a glass of water before other beverages in the morning.

    • Order a glass of water when you go out for cocktails. 1-1 ratio of water to booze.


1,000 Rep Workout


Water | Hydration During Workouts